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52-week Batterer’s Intervention Classes (weekends only)
Course Materials will cover:
The cycle of violence
Power and control in relationships
Myths about domestic violence
Problem solving
Seeing abuse through the eyes
How to argue less and communicate
Equality in relationships
Self-talk and anger
Accepting and encouraging
Behavior chains
Children and abuse
Alcohol, drugs and violence
Changing the house rules
REQUIRED fees for this course are *$25.00 (Course Fee) & *$75.00 (Intake Fee)
Cousre Fees must be paid for each class attended. (Per Student)
Intake Fees must be paid to enroll in class. (Per Student)
If paying by money order the service fees are due at the begining of each class.
Parenting Classes (weekends only)
Course Materials will cover:
Responsibilities of Parents and Children
Understanding Behavior
Mutual Respect
Time for Fun, Encouragement, Communicating Love
Summary: Discipline
Positive Parenting
Summary: Understanding Your Child and Yourself
Plan for Improving Relationships
Building Positive Self Esteem
Attitudes and Behaviors that Encourage
How to Listen to Others
Roles Parents Play When Children Express their Feelings
Communication Listening
How Do Children Handle Anger? How Should I Handle My Child’s Anger/
Love Your Children
Understanding Power and Control
Self Assessment: Understanding and Dealing with Feelings
Sociocultural Factors that Influence the Relationship Between Family
Gaining Better Control and Understanding of Ourselves
How Well Do You Manage Stress?
What Is Stress?
Seven Steps to Anger Control
Cool Downs and Timeouts
Letting Go
REQUIRED fees for this course are *$25.00 (Course Fee) & *$40.00 (Intake Fee)
Cousre Fees must be paid for each class attended. (Per Student)
Intake Fees must be paid to enroll in class. (Per Student)
If paying by money order the service fees are due at the begining of each class.
Anger Management Classes (weekends only)
Course Materials will cover:
The cycle of violence
Power and control in relationships
Myths about domestic violence
Problem solving
Seeing abuse through the eyes
How to argue less and communicate
Equality in relationships
Self-talk and anger
Accepting and encouraging
Behavior chains
Children and abuse
Alcohol, drugs and violence
Changing the house rules
REQUIRED fees for this course are *$25.00 (Course Fee) & *$75.00 (Intake Fee)
Cousre Fees must be paid for each class attended. (Per Student)
Intake Fees must be paid to enroll in class. (Per Student)
If paying by money order the service fees are due at the begining of each class.
AHA BLS CPR & AED Training (Mobile CPR Instructor)
Course Materials will cover:
American Heart Association BLS Certification
2-year Certification
Same-day Certification Card
Ask about group rate
Free CPR travel kit
Free prize/raffle
Course Times:
Fridays 6pm - 9pm
Saturday 9am -1pm & 1pm - 6pm
Sunday 9am - 1pm
REQUIRED fees for this course are *$50.00 (Course Fee)
Course Fees must be paid for each class attended. (Per Student)
Supervised Child Visitation Monitoring (weekends only)
(mandatory meeting of both parents)
Service Offered:
Off-site Visitations
On-Site Visitations
Overnight Visitations
Parent Coaching and Classes
Facilitated Visitations
Telephone Visitations
Traveling Monitors
REQUIRED fees for this course are $50.00 - $80.00 per hour (Course Fee) & *$40.00 (Intake Fee)
Cousre Fees must be paid for each Visitation Monitoring session. (Per child)
Intake Fees must be paid to schedule Visitation Monitoring. (Per child)
If paying by money order the service fees are due at the begining of each class.
Mobile Live Scan Fingerprinting (weekends only)
Service Fees will cover:
The fees for Live Scan consist of the rolling fee for the fingerprinting and the background investigation.
Please find our current processing fees as follows: $70.00
Fingerprint Rolling Fee
Department of Justice (DOJ) (for state of California clearances)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (if required)
Travel Fee (Los Angeles County) - $0.60 per mile
Child Fingerprinting - please call
Your total fee will be given to you before your fingerprints are scanned. We accept the following forms of payment: Cash, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, Money Order, Check (Business/Personal) and Cashier’s Check. A $25 fee will be charged for any returned Checks or Credit Cards.
All fees are subject to change. Additional charges may apply depending on the type of application being processed.
REQUIRED Service Fees $70.00 plus Travel Fee $0.60 per mile
Service Fees must be paid for each service rendered. (Per Client)
If paying by money order the service fees are due at time service is rendered
Mobile Drug Testing (weekends only)
Service Fees will cover:
DOT drug test
Non-DOT drug test
10 panel drug test
5 panel drug test
Marijuana drug test
Opiate drug test
Steroid drug test
Instant drug test
Mobile drug testing provides all of the benefits of a drug free workplace without any of the headaches of sending employees to the lab.
Unlike traditional drug testing, which requires employees to leave work, drive to the lab and wait to be tested, then drive back to work—all while on the clock, mobile drug testing takes place at your office, plant, or job site.
REQUIRED fees for this service are $25.00 (Service Fee)
Service Fees must be paid for each service rendered. (Per Client)
If paying by money order the service fees are due at time service is rendered
Food Program
For over 30 years, the Christian Food Center has distributed over 10 million pounds of much need food, to L.A. residents and surrounding counties. We provide food staples to all peoples, ethnic groups, veterans and various organizations. With the help of local, food companies we have been fighting hunger in our city and community.
Members receive over 200 pounds of food per visit. It is enough food to feed four adults for a whole week, for only cents for each pound of food.
The Christian Food Center is a non-profit organization that distributes basic foods at low cost such as:
Frozen Foods
Dairy Products
Fruits & Vegetables
Grains & Cereals
Canned Goods
Dehydrated Goods
Fruit Juices
Bottled Water
For 200 lbs. of food
Christian Food Center
1101 E. Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel: (213) 741-0213
To participate in the Food Program please
call the Christian Food Center directly and
let them know that La Toshia referred you.
Food Program
Agency Donation Food Assistance Program
The Foodbank offers supplemental food assistance to hundreds of charitable organizations. The Foodbank distributes quality food at no charge and asks only for a modest voluntary contribution from the agencies to defray the cost of transportation of selected foods.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) U.S. Department of Agriculture
The Foodbank provides USDA surplus commodities (such as infant formula, flour, cornmeal, pinto beans, rice, milk, cheese, and butter) to help supplement the diets of low-income households, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost. Annually, The Foodbank channels over 18.5 million pounds of highly nutritious food from this program to hundreds of local charitable agencies completely free of charge. You may learn more about USDA commodities and recipes at TEFAP’s website.
The Brown Bag Network Program For Seniors
The Foodbank provides free nutritious food biweekly to feed over 2,500 low-income seniors at 22 volunteer staffed Brown Bag distribution sites and free weekly delivery to 72 low-income homebound/shut-in seniors in Los Angeles County. The program helps these individuals live as independent as possible. The Foodbank operates one of the largest programs in the State and is unique in that there is no annual fee charged to recipients. This program is made possible through the commitment of dedicated volunteers who sort, bag, and distribute the food at the various sites.
Another Serving
The Foodbank links charitable organizations feeding meals to the hungry with local restaurants, caterers, other food preparers for distribution of safe "unsaleable" prepared food. Annually this program channels over 1.8 million pounds of donated food to local charitable agencies completely free of charge
Retail Donation Referral Program
The Foodbank links charitable organizations feeding the hungry with local grocery stores, restaurants, and caterers for direct donations of safe "unsaleable" perishable products completely free of charge.
Foodbank of Southern California
Attention: Agency Relations
1444 San Francisco Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90813
Tel: (562) 435-3577
To participate in the Food Program please call the Foodbank of Southern California directly and let them know that La Toshia referred you.
Food Program
For over 30 years, the Christian Food Center has distributed over 10 million pounds of much need food, to L.A. residents and surrounding counties. We provide food staples to all peoples, ethnic groups, veterans and various organizations. With the help of local, food companies we have been fighting hunger in our city and community.
Members receive over 200 pounds of food per visit. It is enough food to feed four adults for a whole week, for only cents for each pound of food.
The Christian Food Center is a non-profit organization that distributes basic foods at low cost such as:
Frozen Foods
Dairy Products
Fruits & Vegetables
Grains & Cereals
Canned Goods
Dehydrated Goods
Fruit Juices
Bottled Water
For 200 lbs. of food
Christian Food Center
1101 E. Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel: (213) 741-0213
To participate in the Food Program please
call the Christian Food Center directly and
let them know that La Toshia referred you.